
When in 1971 Ray Tomlinson developed a software that could be used to send a message between two computers a few people forecast the benefice — of speeding up and making the traffic flow easier — to the world’s progress. And fewer anticipated the humongous costs it generates when misused for less honorable causes.

Over 40 years dealing with spam threats! Despite Bill Gates and other software moguls early announcing its extinction ten years ago, and cyber security companies declaring to 99.9% filtering capabilities, today spam stands for 60% of global email traffic and takes around 80% of the available broadband.

Why the current protection model does not solve the email spam problem?! Because it uses FILTERS (some more complex than others, like filtering content for IP reputation, using heuristic methods, white lists, black lists, grey lists, etc.), and filtering models are reactive models, they’re palliatives, unsuitable, because they go quickly obsolete by the amazing spam and botnet technology that exponentially increases almost every day.

Quoting Albert Einstein “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Relying on FILTERING models is insane!

Today P2T — email protector is developing a new model: “Flow Control by Selection”, a new category of protection using a preventive model being effective by acting directly on the spam source.

For the first time in 40 years, there is a real possibility of eliminating all the problems associated with the email misuse with the simplicity never seen before.

P2T — email protector presents the ultimate solution to the SPAM problem.